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physcological words with the same meaning


Definitions from the Web

Term: Psychological words with the same meaning


In psychology, there are often multiple words that can be used to describe the same or similar concepts. These psychological words with the same meaning refer to different terms that convey equivalent ideas or express comparable aspects of human behavior, emotions, cognition, or mental processes.

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1: Synonyms in Psychology

Psychological words with the same meaning can be considered synonyms within the field. They represent interchangeable terms that psychologists use to discuss specific topics, theories, or phenomena.

Example sentence: "In cognitive psychology, encoding and registration are psychological words with the same meaning when referring to the initial process of inputting information into memory."

Sense 2: Overlapping Concepts

Psychological words with the same meaning can also describe overlapping concepts that encompass similar elements of human experience or behavior.

Example sentence: "Self-esteem and self-worth are psychological words with the same meaning as they both refer to the individual's subjective evaluation of their own value or worth."

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