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phrygian deity


Definitions from WordNet

Noun phrygian deity has 1 sense
  1. Phrygian deity - deity of the ancient Phrygians of west central Asia Minor
    --1 is a kind of
    deity, divinity, god, immortal
    --1 has particulars:
     Cybele, Dindymene, Great Mother, Magna Mater, Mater Turrita

Definitions from the Web

Phrygian Deity

Part of Speech: Noun


  1. A deity from Phrygia, an ancient region in Anatolia.


1. In Phrygian mythology, the Phrygian deity was often associated with nature and fertility.

2. The rituals dedicated to the Phrygian deity involved offerings and prayers.

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Phrygian Deity

Part of Speech: Noun


  1. A god or goddess worshiped by the Phrygians.


1. The Phrygian deity Cybele was often depicted as a mother goddess.

2. The Phrygians believed that their deity could influence the fertility of their lands.

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