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photo sensitive part of the eye


Definitions from the Web

Photo sensitive part of the eye

Description: The photo-sensitive part of the eye refers to the area within the eye that is responsible for detecting and responding to light stimuli. It includes the retina, which contains specialized cells called photoreceptors that convert light into electrical signals, which are then transmitted to the brain for visual processing.

Sense 1: In the field of anatomy, the photo-sensitive part of the eye specifically refers to the retina.

Example sentence: The photo-sensitive part of the eye, known as the retina, is located at the back of the eyeball.

Sense 2: In a more general sense, the photo-sensitive part of the eye can refer to any structure or component involved in light perception and vision.

Example sentence: The rods and cones, which are the photo-sensitive parts of the eye, work together to enable us to see colors and shapes.

Related products on Amazon: Retina, Photoreceptors, Eye Anatomy

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