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Definitions from WordNet

Noun philately has 1 sense
  1. philately, stamp collecting, stamp collection - the collection and study of postage stamps
    --1 is a kind of collection, collecting, assembling, aggregation
    --1 has particulars: aerophilately

Definitions from the Web


Definition: Philately refers to the collection, study, and enjoyment of postage stamps and related materials.

Parts of Speech: Noun


  1. The hobby or practice of collecting and studying postage stamps. "His passion for philately led him to travel the world in search of rare stamps."
  2. The study of postal history and other related materials. "In his philately research, he discovered an interesting story about a lost mail delivery."


  • Many people engage in philately as a way to learn about different cultures through their stamps.
  • Philately can be a rewarding and educational hobby for people of all ages.
  • Some individuals focus on specific themes within philately, such as birds, sports, or historical events.
  • The philatelic society organizes regular events and exhibitions for stamp collectors in the local area.

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