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phase phase1


Definitions from the Web

Term: Phase

Part of Speech: Noun, Verb Sense 1: (Noun) A distinct stage in a process or development. Sample Sentence: The first phase of the project involves planning and brainstorming. Sense 2: (Noun) A stage in a person's life or a cycle of events. Sample Sentence: Adolescence is a challenging phase for many individuals. Related products on Amazon: - Phases of Life Book - Stages of Development Part of Speech: Verb Sense 1: (Verb) To carry out or accomplish gradually or in stages. Sample Sentence: We need to phase the implementation of the new software to avoid disruptions. Sense 2: (Verb) To synchronize or coordinate a process or operation. Sample Sentence: The team will need to phase their efforts to meet the deadline. Related products on Amazon: - Project Management Tools - Workflow Optimization
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