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phase angle


Definitions from WordNet

Noun phase angle has 1 sense
  1. phase, phase angle - a particular point in the time of a cycle; measured from some arbitrary zero and expressed as an angle
    --1 is a kind of point, point in time
    --1 is a part of cycle, rhythm, round

Definitions from the Web

Phase Angle


The term "phase angle" refers to the measurement of the displacement between two corresponding points in waveforms or oscillations. It is commonly used in fields such as physics, engineering, and electronics to quantify the relationship between different signals or components.

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1

Definition: The angular difference or displacement between two waveform signals or components.

Example: In AC circuit analysis, the phase angle between voltage and current can indicate the power factor.

Sense 2

Definition: The position of an object or system of objects in relation to a reference point or configuration.

Example: The phase angle of a rotating shaft can be used to determine its position within a machine.

Sense 3

Definition: The angle formed in a cyclical process at any given point in time.

Example: The phase angle of a pendulum at its farthest displacement determines its potential energy.

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