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A pharaoh is a title given to ancient Egyptian rulers who were considered divine and held supreme power.

Part of Speech:



Sense 1:

An ancient Egyptian ruler

The pharaohs of ancient Egypt were regarded as divine beings.

Sense 2:

A person with supreme authority

The CEO of the company was often referred to as a pharaoh, making all the important decisions.


Popular usage: The term "pharaoh" is commonly used to refer to ancient Egyptian rulers.

Local usage: In ancient Egypt, the term "pharaoh" held significant religious and political connotations.

Sample Sentences:

1. The tomb of the pharaoh was discovered in the Valley of the Kings.

2. Queen Hatshepsut was one of the few female pharaohs in ancient Egypt.

3. The pharaoh's decision to build the Great Pyramid of Giza was seen as a symbol of his power.

4. As a pharaoh, he had the authority to decree laws and policies.

5. The archaeologists uncovered the ancient temple dedicated to the pharaoh.

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