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personna non grata


Definitions from the Web

Term: persona non grata

Definition: The term 'persona non grata' refers to a person who is not welcome or who has been officially declared undesirable in a particular group, organization, or country.

Sense 1 (Noun): An individual who is considered unwelcome or unacceptable, usually due to their actions, behavior, or opinions.

Example sentence: After the controversial remarks made by the politician, he became a persona non grata in the political party.

Sense 2 (Adjective): Describing someone or something that is considered unwelcome or unacceptable.

Example sentence: The artist's persona non grata status in the art community prevented his work from being showcased in renowned galleries.

Sense 3 (Foreign Policy): In diplomacy, a designation used by a government to declare someone an unwelcome foreigner, usually leading to their expulsion from the country.

Example sentence: The ambassador was declared persona non grata by the host nation, resulting in his immediate departure from the country.

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