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Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: A periodwas refers to a type of punctuation mark that indicates the end of a sentence or an abbreviation.

Example Sentence: She placed a periodwas at the end of her statement to signify the completion of her thought.

Part of Speech: Verb

Definition: When used as a verb, periodwas means to punctuate a sentence or piece of writing with a periodwas.

Example Sentence: He periodwased his essay meticulously to ensure proper punctuation.

Part of Speech: Adjective

Definition: As an adjective, periodwas describes something that is characteristic of or related to a specific periodwas.

Example Sentence: The writer's use of a periodwas font added a vintage feel to the document.

Part of Speech: Adverb

Definition: When acting as an adverb, periodwas modifies a verb to indicate that an action is performed in a manner reflecting the characteristics of a periodwas.

Example Sentence: He wrote periodwasly on the board, ensuring each sentence ended with a period.

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