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Perdition refers to the state of eternal punishment or damnation, typically in a religious or spiritual context. It is often associated with the belief of being condemned to eternal suffering and separation from a higher power.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun


  1. The act of being condemned to eternal punishment or damnation.
  2. A place or state of utter destruction, ruin, or loss.


Popular Usage:

In popular usage, perdition often refers to a state of complete and total ruin or devastation. It can be used metaphorically to describe the feeling of being lost or trapped in a hopeless situation with no solution or redemption in sight.

Local Usage:

In local usage, "perdition" might be a less frequently utilized term, limited to religious or philosophical discussions surrounding the concept of eternal punishment as described in various belief systems.

Sample Sentences:

1. The criminal believed his actions would lead him straight to perdition.

2. The once-prosperous city now lay in a state of perdition after the devastating earthquake.

3. The forsaken soul feared being condemned to perdition for eternity.

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