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Definitions from WordNet

Noun pennatulidae has 1 sense
  1. Pennatulidae, family Pennatulidae - sea pens
    --1 is a kind of coelenterate family
    --1 is a member of Alcyonaria, order Alcyonaria
    --1 has members: Pennatula, genus Pennatula

Definitions from the Web



Pennatulidae is a scientific term that refers to a family of soft corals commonly known as sea pens. Sea pens are colonial marine organisms that belong to the order of octocorals. They are characterized by their flexible, feather-like structure with a central stalk and polyps extending from it, resembling a quill pen.

Examples and Usages

1. Noun: Sea Pen

Sea pens, belonging to the family Pennatulidae, thrive in the deep-sea habitats.

Example sentence: The biologist discovered a beautiful pink sea pen while exploring the depths of the ocean.

2. Adjective: Pennatulid

The pennatulid soft corals exhibit a remarkable diversity of shapes and colors.

Example sentence: The vibrant pennatulid colonies in the coral reef add a splash of color to the underwater ecosystem.

3. Plural noun: Pennatulidae

Pennatulidae are filter feeders, capturing plankton and other tiny organisms from the water column.

Example sentence: The research team collected several specimens of Pennatulidae to study their feeding behavior.

Related Products

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