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peer pressure


Definitions from the Web

Term: Peer Pressure


Peer pressure refers to the influence or coercion exerted by one's peers to conform to their attitudes, behaviors, or beliefs. It can be both positive, encouraging individuals to make beneficial choices, or negative, leading them to engage in harmful or unwanted activities.

Sample Sentences:

  • She succumbed to peer pressure and started smoking.
  • Peer pressure can sometimes lead teenagers to experiment with drugs or alcohol.
  • Despite facing peer pressure, he remained true to his own values and refused to participate in the unethical behavior.


  • Noun: The influence or coercion exerted by one's peers to conform to their attitudes, behaviors, or beliefs.
  • Verb: To exert influence or coerce someone into conforming based on the attitudes, behaviors, or beliefs of their peers.


Peer pressure can occur in various settings such as schools, workplaces, and social groups. It can affect people of all ages, but it is particularly prominent during adolescence when individuals strive for acceptance and belonging among their peers. Addressing and understanding peer pressure is essential in fostering healthy decision-making and promoting individual autonomy.

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