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A peccadilo refers to a minor sin, offense, or wrongdoing.


Noun (singular):

1. He confessed his peccadilo to the priest during his weekly confessional. [Related Books on Confession]

2. She regarded stealing a piece of candy from her sister's stash as a peccadilo, not a serious misdeed. [Related Books on Ethics]

Noun (plural):

1. The politician's peccadillos were exposed by the media, damaging his reputation. [Related Books on Political Scandals]

2. Despite his many peccadillos, the artist was still adored by his loyal fans. [Related Biographies]

Related Adjective:

1. Although married, he couldn't resist flirting with women due to his peccadilous nature. [Related Books on Flirting]

2. The peccadilous behavior of the students led to disciplinary action. [Related Books on Classroom Behavior]

Related Verb:

1. She peccadilloed by secretly eating the cookies she had promised to share. [Related Books on Self-Control]

2. Despite knowing it was wrong, he peccadilloes by lying to his parents about his whereabouts. [Related Books on Honesty]

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