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Term: peacetech


Peacetech refers to the application of technology and innovation to promote peacebuilding, conflict prevention, and resolution.

Senses and Usages:


1. Technology and innovation utilized for peacebuilding purposes.

2. A field of study or practice that combines technology, innovation, and peacebuilding efforts.

3. Organizations or individuals working in the intersection of technology and peacebuilding.

Example Sentences:

1. The peacetech sector aims to leverage the power of technology to mitigate conflicts and foster peace in war-torn regions.

2. The conference brought together peacetech experts from around the world to discuss innovative solutions for conflict resolution.

3. She founded a peacetech startup to develop software that facilitates communication and reconciliation between divided communities.

Possible Related Products:

Technology for Peacebuilding

Innovations in Peacetech

Peacetech Organizations

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