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Definitions from WordNet

Noun pavonia has 1 sense
  1. pavonia - any of various evergreen plants of the genus Pavonia having white or yellow or purple flowers
    --1 is a kind of
    shrub, bush
    --1 is a member of genus Pavonia

Definitions from the Web


Noun - Botany

Pavonia is a genus of flowering plants in the mallow family, Malvaceae. It consists of approximately 80 species of tropical shrubs and herbaceous perennials, native to various regions around the world.

Sample sentence: The vibrant purple flowers of the pavonia plant added a pop of color to the garden.

Noun - Place Name

Pavonia is a historical region in present-day Hudson County, New Jersey. It was the first permanent European settlement in present-day Jersey City, established by the Dutch in the 17th century.

Sample sentence: The Pavonia Ferry Terminal offers a picturesque view of the Manhattan skyline across the Hudson River.

Noun - Astronomy

Pavonia is the name of a minor planet discovered in 1920 by Russian astronomer Grigory Neujmin. It belongs to the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Sample sentence: The orbit of Pavonia around the sun takes approximately 4.29 years.

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