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Definitions from the Web

Term: Path


In general, a path refers to a route or course taken to arrive at a particular destination or objective. It can also indicate a way to approach or achieve something, whether tangible or metaphorical.

In the context of computer systems, a path usually denotes the location or directory of a file or folder within a file system.

Additionally, path can also pertain to the natural or man-made trails through which people or vehicles can travel.

Possible Related Products:

Books about Paths
Hiking Gear
GPS Devices

Senses and Usages:

1. Noun (General):

Definition: A route or course taken to arrive at a particular destination or objective.

Example Sentence 1: He embarked on a new educational path by enrolling in a prestigious university.

Example Sentence 2: The path to success is often paved with hard work and determination.

Related Products: Goal Planners, Self-Improvement Books

2. Noun (Computer Systems):

Definition: The location or directory of a file or folder within a file system.

Example Sentence 1: Please specify the file path to the website's main CSS stylesheet.

Example Sentence 2: The image could not be displayed because the photo file was not found at the given path.

Related Products: Computer Storage Devices, File Management Software

3. Noun (Physical):

Definition: A natural or man-made trail through which people or vehicles can travel.

Example Sentence 1: Hikers enjoyed the scenic path that led them through the lush forest.

Example Sentence 2: The city built a new pedestrian path along the river for residents to enjoy.

Related Products: Hiking Boots, Bicycles

4. Verb:

Definition: To make or create a path; to pave the way or make progress.

Example Sentence 1: The explorers pathed through the dense jungle, marking their trail for future expeditions.

Example Sentence 2: The government's initiatives are pathing the way for a brighter future for its citizens.

5. Adjective:

Definition: Pertaining to something or someone that is considered unconventional or non-traditional.

Example Sentence 1: She admired his path approach to art, always experimenting with new techniques.

Example Sentence 2: Their path lifestyle allowed them to travel the world and work remotely.

Related Products: Unconventional Lifestyle Books, Travel Essentials

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