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participation loan


Definitions from WordNet

Noun participation loan has 1 sense
  1. participation loan, loan participation, participation financing - a loan that is shared by a group of banks that join to make a loan too big for any one of them alone
    --1 is a kind of loan

Definitions from the Web

Participation Loan


A participation loan is a type of loan in which multiple lenders fund a loan to a single borrower. Each lender has a percentage share in the loan and shares in both the risks and rewards of the loan.

Senses and Usages

1. Financial Sense

In the financial sense, a participation loan refers to a collaborative loan arrangement where several lenders pool their funds to provide financing to a borrower. This type of loan allows lenders to diversify risks and take advantage of larger loan opportunities that may exceed their individual lending capacity.


Many small local banks joined forces to offer a participation loan to the startup to support its expansion plans.

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2. Real Estate Sense

In the real estate industry, a participation loan refers to a loan structure where the lender provides a portion of the necessary capital for a project, while the borrower contributes the remaining funds. This type of loan allows the borrower to share in the project's profits, often in addition to making interest payments.


The developer entered into a participation loan agreement with the bank, granting the bank a percentage of the project's profits in exchange for funding the construction.

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