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partial waiver


Definitions from the Web

Partial Waiver

Part of Speech: Noun
Definition: A legal agreement where certain rights or privileges are relinquished but not all.

Sense 1: In a legal context, a partial waiver refers to a situation where a party agrees to give up or release some but not all of their rights or claims. It is commonly used in contracts, litigation settlements, or even in the real estate industry. For example, a property owner may grant a partial waiver of their rights to make alterations to a building, allowing only specific modifications to take place.

Sample Sentence: The contractor signed a partial waiver to relinquish his right to additional compensation for the agreed-upon changes in the construction project.

Sense 2: In a financial or debt context, a partial waiver can indicate the agreement to waive a portion of a debt or loan. It is often used when a creditor agrees to forgive certain fees or reduce the outstanding balance but does not completely eliminate the debt.

Sample Sentence: The bank granted a partial waiver on the late payment fees, providing some relief to the struggling borrower.

Sense 3: In a sports context, a partial waiver may refer to a player's release from the team but with certain conditions, such as the player being able to join another team in a specific competition.

Sample Sentence: After being granted a partial waiver by his previous team, the player agreed to play for another club in the local tournament.

Related Products on Amazon:
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