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1. A type of French pastry filled with fruit or chocolate.

2. (historical) A parcel or package, typically wrapped and sent through the mail.

Example sentences:

- I can't resist the deliciousness of a freshly baked parce.

- In the 19th century, people relied on parces to send letters and goods to distant places.


1. (dated) To divide or distribute something evenly.

2. (archaic) To separate or part ways with someone or something.

3. (archaic) To apportion or share resources among a group.

Example sentences:

- The teacher will parce the cake among all the students.

- It was a sad moment when they decided to parce and go their separate ways.

- The leader had to make difficult decisions on how to parce scarce food supplies among the villagers.


1. (informal) Describing something that is popular or well-liked.

2. (informal) Pertaining to something specific or local.

Example sentences:

- That new restaurant is so parce among food enthusiasts.

- It's always interesting to explore the parce cuisine of a particular region.

Related products on Amazon:

- Parce Pastry

- Books about Parces

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