1. Astronomical Parallax: The angular measurement used to determine the distance of celestial objects by observing their apparent shift when viewed from different locations on Earth.
Example Sentence: The astronomer used parallax to calculate the distance to the star.
2. Photographic Parallax: The perceived shift in the position of an object between two photographs taken from slightly different angles.
Example Sentence: When creating a 3D effect, photographers utilize the parallax effect to simulate depth in images.
3. Web Design Parallax: A scrolling technique that creates an illusion of depth by moving various elements on a web page at different speeds or perspectives.
Example Sentence: The website design featured an engaging parallax effect, where the background moved at a slower pace than the foreground.
4. Parallax Effect: Pertaining to the visually appealing technique in web design or cinematography that produces an illusion of depth through the differential motion of elements.
Example Sentence: The parallax effect in the film added depth and realism to the visually stunning action sequences.
5. Parallaxing: The act of implementing the parallax effect in web design or other visual media.
Example Sentence: The artist spent hours parallaxing the various layers of the artwork to achieve a captivating visual experience.