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paper toweling


Definitions from WordNet

Noun paper toweling has 1 sense
  1. paper toweling - absorbent paper used as toweling
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Term: Paper Toweling

Definition: Paper toweling refers to absorbent paper material that is used for cleaning up spills, drying hands, or any other tasks that require quick absorption of liquids.

Sense 1: Noun - Type of Toweling

Example Sentence: I always keep a roll of paper toweling in the kitchen for easy cleaning.

Sense 2: Noun - Act of Using Paper Toweling

Example Sentence: Please make sure to use paper toweling instead of cloth towels when drying your hands.

Sense 3: Adjective - Relating to Paper Toweling

Example Sentence: The paper toweling dispenser in the restroom is empty; we need to refill it.

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