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papal cross


Definitions from WordNet

Noun papal cross has 1 sense
  1. papal cross - a cross with three crossbars
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Papal Cross

Definition: The papal cross is a crucifix used as a symbol of the office and authority of the Pope. It typically features a two-barred cross with a representation of the Holy See, often with the keys of Saint Peter.

Sense 1: Noun - Symbol of the Pope

Example sentence: The papal cross is prominently displayed during papal ceremonies and processions.

Sense 2: Noun - Cross used by the Pope

Example sentence: The Pope held the papal cross in his hand as he blessed the congregation.

Sense 3: Noun - Decorative item

Example sentence: The papal cross pendant is a popular piece of jewelry among Catholics as a sign of devotion.

Sense 4: Adjective - Relating to the Pope

Example sentence: The pontiff's papal cross ring is a recognizable symbol of his authority.

Sense 5: Adjective - Relating to the Papacy

Example sentence: The papal cross emblem is often seen on official documents of the Vatican.

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