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Term: panmixia


Panmixia refers to a genetic condition where individuals from a population mate randomly, resulting in a high level of genetic diversity.

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1 - Biology:

In biology, panmixia describes a situation where there are no barriers to mating within a population, allowing for unrestricted genetic mixing.

Example Sentence 1: The absence of geographic isolation in the bird species led to panmixia, resulting in a wide range of genetic variations.

Example Sentence 2: The conservation efforts aimed to prevent panmixia in the endangered population of wolves by promoting selective breeding.

Sense 2 - Cultural Anthropology:

In cultural anthropology, panmixia can refer to the blending and mixing of different cultures or traditions within a society.

Example Sentence 1: The diverse cuisine of the city reflects the panmixia of culinary traditions brought by immigrants from various countries.

Example Sentence 2: The festival showcases the panmixia of music and dance styles from different regions, celebrating cultural diversity.

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