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Definitions from WordNet

Noun panicle has 1 sense
  1. panicle - compound raceme or branched cluster of flowers
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web


Definition: Panicles refer to loose, branching clusters of flowers or fruit that arise from a main stem. It is a botanical term used to describe a specific type of inflorescence.

Part of Speech: Noun


  1. A loose, branched cluster of flowers or fruit.
  2. The arrangement of flowers or fruit in such a cluster.
  3. A type of inflorescence characterized by this loose, branching cluster.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The cherry tree was adorned with beautiful panicles of delicate white flowers.
  2. The panicles of grapes hanging from the vineyard looked enticing and ready to be harvested.
  3. The botanist studied the panicles closely to understand the pollination mechanism of the plant.

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