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palm reading


Definitions from WordNet

Noun palm reading has 1 sense
  1. palmistry, palm reading, chiromancy, chirology - telling fortunes by lines on the palm of the hand
    --1 is a kind of divination, foretelling, soothsaying, fortune telling

Definitions from the Web

Palm Reading


Palm reading, also known as palmistry or chiromancy, is the practice of interpreting the lines, shapes, and other features of a person's palm to gain insight into their character, personality traits, and potential future. It is an ancient art and is often considered a form of divination.



  1. She went to a palm reading session to learn about her future.
  2. Palm reading is a fascinating method to explore a person's personality.


  1. The fortune-teller skillfully read the lines on the man's palm.
  2. She eagerly asked her friend if she could read her palm.

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