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palette knife


Definitions from WordNet

Noun palette knife has 1 sense
  1. palette knife - a spatula used by artists for mixing or applying or scraping off oil paints
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Term: Palette Knife


A palette knife is a tool commonly used by artists to mix and apply paint onto a canvas. It consists of a thin, flexible blade attached to a handle and is primarily used for blending colors and creating textured effects.

Example sentence:

She used a palette knife to create bold, sweeping strokes of color on the canvas.


When used as an adjective, "palette knife" describes something related to or resembling the characteristics of a palette knife.

Example sentence:

The artist used a palette knife technique to create a textured and vibrant painting.


As a verb, "palette knife" refers to the action of applying or spreading paint using a palette knife.

Example sentence:

He carefully palette knifed the thick layers of oil paint onto the canvas.

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