Definitions from the Web
- A city in Italy, located on the northern coast of Sicily.
- A popular name for people and places.
Example Sentences:
- I visited Palermo last summer and fell in love with its vibrant culture and beautiful architecture.
- Palermo is known for its delicious street food, such as arancini and panelle.
- Many parents in Italy choose to name their baby girls Palermo in honor of the city.
- The conference will be held in Palermo, Sicily.
- Relating to or characteristic of Palermo.
- (Local) Referring to a particular district or neighborhood of Palermo.
Example Sentences:
- The Palermo Cathedral is an iconic landmark of the city's architecture.
- We stayed in a cozy Palermo guesthouse during our visit.
- The local Palermo cuisine offers a unique blend of flavors influenced by the city's history.
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