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pacific plum


Definitions from WordNet

Noun pacific plum has 1 sense
  1. Sierra plum, Pacific plum, Prunus subcordata - shrub of the Pacific coast of the United States bearing small red insipid fruit
    --1 is a kind of plum, plum tree

Definitions from the Web

Pacific Plum


Sense 1: A type of plum fruit that is native to the Pacific region. It has a sweet and juicy flesh and is often used in cooking and baking.

Example sentence: I bought some fresh Pacific plums from the farmers market to make a delicious plum pie.

Related products: Pacific plum fruit


Sense 1: Referring to something peaceful or calm, reminiscent of the Pacific Ocean.

Example sentence: The view from the balcony was incredibly pacific, with the sound of waves and a gentle breeze.

Related products: Pacific Ocean

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