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Definitions from WordNet

Verb outwit has 1 sense
  1. outwit, overreach, outsmart, outfox, beat, circumvent - beat through cleverness and wit; "I beat the traffic"; "She outfoxed her competitors"
    --1 is one way to surpass, outstrip, outmatch, outgo, exceed, outdo, surmount, outperform
    Sample sentence:
    Sam cannot outwit Sue

Definitions from the Web



Outwitted is the past tense and past participle form of the verb outwit, which means to defeat or deceive someone by being more clever or cunning.


  • Verb: He outwitted his opponents with his strategic moves.
  • Verb: She always manages to outwit her siblings during board games.

Sample Sentences

  1. The detective outwitted the criminal and solved the mystery.
  2. The cunning fox outwitted the hunter and escaped into the woods.
  3. She cleverly outwitted her competitors to win the prestigious award.

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