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Verb outperform has 1 sense
  1. surpass, outstrip, outmatch, outgo, exceed, outdo, surmount, outperform - be or do something to a greater degree; "her performance surpasses that of any other student I know"; "She outdoes all other athletes"; "This exceeds all my expectations"; "This car outperforms all others in its class"
    --1 is one way to beat, beat out, crush, shell, trounce, vanquish
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Somebody ----s somebody
    Something ----s somebody
    Something ----s something
outpaced outpaces outpacing outpatient outpatients outperform outperformed outperforming outperforms outplacement outplay outplayed outpoint outpolled outport outpost-like outpost

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