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outlaw pictures


Definitions from the Web

Outlaw Pictures


Outlaw Pictures refers to a term commonly used in the film industry to describe a genre of movies that typically explores themes of crime, rebellion, and anti-establishment. These films often depict a protagonist or a group of individuals who operate outside the boundaries of the law and challenge societal norms.

Sample Sentences:

As a noun:

  1. The movie enthusiast was captivated by the engaging storytelling of Outlaw Pictures.
  2. Outlaw Pictures gained immense popularity during the 1960s and 1970s.

As a verb:

  1. The director decided to outlaw pictures in which violence was glorified.
  2. The filmmaker showcased his rebellious spirit by consistently producing outlaw pictures.

As an adjective:

  1. The film festival highlighted a collection of outlaw pictures that challenged traditional narratives.
  2. The actress received critical acclaim for her powerful performance in an outlaw picture.

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