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osteh vel


Definitions from the Web

Osteh Vel


Osteh Vel is a traditional Norwegian term used to refer to a delicious, aromatic cheese made from cow's milk.


Sense 1:

Noun: A type of cheese originating from Norway.

Example sentence: I decided to try the Osteh Vel, and it had a rich and creamy texture that melted in my mouth.

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Sense 2:

Adjective: Describing something as having the characteristics of Osteh Vel.

Example sentence: The kitchen was filled with the mouthwatering aroma of Osteh Vel cheese melting in the oven.

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Sense 3:

Verb: The act of preparing or serving Osteh Vel cheese.

Example sentence: She osteh veled the cheese onto a platter, ready to be enjoyed by the guests.

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Local Usage:

In the local dialect of certain regions in Norway, "osteh vel" is also used informally to describe a party or social gathering centered around cheese tasting.

Example sentence: We're having an osteh vel tonight, so feel free to bring your favorite cheese and enjoy the evening!

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