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Definitions from WordNet

Noun ossete has 1 sense
  1. Ossete - a northeastern Iranian language spoken in Russia
    --1 is a kind of
    Iranian, Iranian language

Definitions from the Web

Term: Ossete


Ossete refers to an ethnic group native to Ossetia, a region spanning across North and South Ossetia, located in the Caucasus Mountains. The term can also be used to describe the language spoken by the Ossete people, which belongs to the Northeast Iranian branch.

Part of Speech:

  • Noun - common noun, singular: ossete; plural: ossetes
  • Adjective - ossete
  • Verb - ossete (third-person singular simple present ossetes, present participle osseting, simple past and past participle osseted)

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1 (Noun):

1.1 - A member of the Ossete ethnic group.

Example Sentence: She is of Ossete origin, born and raised in North Ossetia.

Sense 2 (Noun):

2.1 - The Ossetic language spoken by the Ossete people.

Example Sentence: He dedicated years to learning Ossete and became fluent in both its dialects.

Sense 3 (Adjective):

3.1 - Relating to the Ossete people, language, or culture.

Example Sentence: The Ossete music festival showcased traditional songs and dances.

Sense 4 (Verb):

4.1 - To speak or communicate in the Ossete language.

Example Sentence: The linguist traveled to Ossetia to ossete with native speakers and further study the language.

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