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order of rotation


Definitions from the Web

Term: Order of Rotation


The "order of rotation" refers to the sequence in which elements or objects rotate around an axis in a particular system, usually in physics or mathematics. It indicates the direction and arrangement of rotation in a given system.

Sample Sentences:

Noun (Physics/Mathematics):

  1. The order of rotation of the planets around the Sun is determined by their respective distances from it.
  2. In group theory, the order of rotation of symmetries in a crystal lattice can vary based on its specific structure.

Verb (General Usage):

  1. Please order the rotation of the tasks to ensure a fair distribution among the team members.
  2. The coach ordered the rotation of players to give everyone equal playing time.

Adjective (Describing a Local Phenomenon):

  1. Local folklore suggests that the order of rotation of mystical guardians keeps evil spirits away from the sacred site.
  2. We could sense the local customs through the order of rotation in the traditional dances performed.

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