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Definitions from WordNet

Noun olmsted has 1 sense
  1. Olmsted, Frederick Law Olmsted - United States landscape architect primarily responsible for the design of Central Park in New York City (1822-1903)
    --1 is a kind of landscape architect, landscape gardener, landscaper, landscapist

Definitions from the Web



Sense: Architect

Description: A term referring to Frederick Law Olmsted, an influential American landscape architect known for designing many well-known parks in the United States.

Example Sentence: Central Park in New York City, designed by Olmsted, is a perfect example of his innovative approach to landscape architecture.

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Sense: Local Community

Description: A term used to refer to a local community or neighborhood named after Frederick Law Olmsted, often associated with green spaces and parks.

Example Sentence: Olmsted, a lively and close-knit neighborhood, is located just north of downtown, offering its residents a peaceful environment and easy access to outdoor activities.

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Sense: Popular

Description: An adjective used to describe something that is well-liked, widely preferred, or in high demand by the general population.

Example Sentence: The olmsted trend in interior design continues to grow, with more people opting for natural materials and minimalistic styles.

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Sense: Local

Description: An adjective used to describe something that is specific or particular to a certain locality or region.

Example Sentence: The restaurant prides itself on serving olmsted cuisine, showcasing dishes inspired by local ingredients sourced from nearby farms.

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