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Definitions from WordNet

Noun okeechobee has 1 sense
  1. Okeechobee, Lake Okeechobee - a lake in southeast Florida north of the Everglades
    --1 is a kind of lake
    --1 is a part of Florida, Sunshine State, Everglade State, FL

Definitions from the Web



  1. A city in Florida, United States.
  2. A lake in southern Florida, United States, known as the largest freshwater lake in the state.

Sample sentences:

  1. The town of Okeechobee is located in the heart of Florida.
  2. We enjoyed a relaxing weekend fishing on Lake Okeechobee.


Relating to Okeechobee.

Sample sentence:

The Okeechobee community is proud of their annual festivals.

Related products on Amazon:

  1. Okeechobee t-shirt
  2. Okeechobee Florida guidebook
  3. Lake Okeechobee map
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