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Noun official has 2 senses
  1. official, functionary - a worker who holds or is invested with an office
    --1 is a kind of skilled worker, trained worker
    --1 has particulars:
     appointee; bailiff; beadle; bureaucrat, administrative official; caretaker; censor; census taker, enumerator; church officer; city father; civil servant; commissar, political commissar; Comptroller General; Comptroller of the Currency; diplomat, diplomatist; elected official; equerry; fire marshall; fire warden, forest fire fighter, ranger; hearing examiner, hearing officer; holdover, hangover; incumbent, officeholder; Inquisitor; invalidator, voider, nullifier; judge, justice, jurist, magistrate; licenser; macebearer, mace, macer; mandarin; notary, notary public; noticer; officeholder, officer; agent, federal agent; provincial; postmaster general; proconsul; prosecutor, public prosecutor, prosecuting officer, prosecuting attorney; quaestor; recruiter; registrar, record-keeper, recorder; regulator; returning officer; sealer; searcher; teller, vote counter; town clerk; usher, doorkeeper; vizier; weigher
  2. official - someone who administers the rules of a game or sport; "the golfer asked for an official who could give him a ruling"
    --2 is a kind of
    --2 has particulars:
     football official; linesman; referee, ref; scorekeeper, scorer; starter, dispatcher; timekeeper, timer; umpire, ump
official list of names official poverty officialdom officialese officialise officiality officialize officially officials officianados officiant officiate officiated officiates officiating officiation officie

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