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oculus sinister


Definitions from WordNet

Noun oculus sinister has 1 sense
  1. oculus sinister, OS - the left eye
    --1 is a kind of eye, oculus, optic

Definitions from the Web

Oculus Sinister


1. Noun: Oculus sinister refers to the left eye, also known as the evil eye. It is a term commonly used in heraldry.

2. Noun: Oculus sinister can also refer to a cinematic experience provided by virtual reality headsets.

3. Adjective: Oculus sinister can describe something that is associated with a sense of maliciousness or wickedness.

Sample Sentences:

  • 1. The shield of the knight displayed three golden lions, one on top and two below, all looking fiercely with their oculi sinister.
  • 2. I thoroughly enjoyed the oculus sinister game on the virtual reality headset; it felt like I was inside the virtual world.
  • 3. His oculus sinister stare sent shivers down her spine; she could sense the malevolence in his eyes.

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