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occupational prestige


Definitions from the Web

Term: Occupational Prestige


Occupational prestige refers to the social standing or status associated with a particular occupation within a society. It is a measure of how society values and ranks different professions based on factors such as income, education, skill level, and the overall social contribution of the occupation.

Sample Sentences:

  • 1. The professor's high level of occupational prestige is a result of his extensive research and influential publications.
  • 2. Many people choose to pursue careers in medicine due to the high occupational prestige and financial stability it offers.
  • 3. Although the occupation of a plumber may not have the same occupational prestige as that of a lawyer, it is valued for its vital role in maintaining functional infrastructure.
  • 4. The survey aimed to determine the correlation between occupational prestige and job satisfaction among different professions.

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