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Definitions from WordNet

Adverbial obstreperously has 1 sense
  1. obstreperously, loudly, clamorously - in manner that attracts attention; "obstreperously, he demanded to get service"
    Derived from adjective obstreperous1

Definitions from the Web

Term: Obstreprously


Adverb - in a loud, aggressive, and boisterous manner.

Sense 1:

Adverb - with noisy and unruly behavior, often characterized by being difficult to control or quiet.

Example sentence: The children in the restaurant were running around obstreperously, causing a disturbance for the other patrons.

Sense 2:

Adverb - in a stubbornly defiant or resistance manner.

Example sentence: Despite her father's warnings, she obstreperously refused to obey his rules.

Sense 3:

Adverb - in a vociferously and loudly argumentative way.

Example sentence: The political debate grew heated as the candidates obstreperously defended their opposing views.

Sense 4:

Adverb - in an excessively or annoyingly loud and clamorous manner.

Example sentence: The alarm clock obstreperously jolted him awake, causing him to start the day in frustration.

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