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Definitions from WordNet

Adverbial obsessionally has 1 sense
  1. compulsively, obsessively, obsessionally - in a compulsive manner; "he cleaned his shoes compulsively after every walk"
    Derived from adjective obsessional1

Definitions from the Web

Term: obsessionally


Obsessionally is an adverb that describes the behavior of being extremely preoccupied or fixated on something to the point of obsession.

Senses and usages:

Sense 1:

Used to describe an individual's intense and uncontrollable fascination or preoccupation with a particular topic, idea, or object.

Example sentence: He was obsessionally devoted to researching every detail about ancient civilizations.

Related products: Books on Ancient Civilizations

Sense 2:

Used to describe the repetitive and compulsive behavior resulting from an obsession.

Example sentence: She compulsively checked her phone obsessionally, fearing she might miss an important message.

Related products: Phone Addiction Help Books

Sense 3:

Used to describe the act of repeatedly engaging in an activity or behavior due to obsession, even to the detriment of one's well-being.

Example sentence: Despite the negative consequences, he obsessionally kept gambling, unable to control his addictive behavior.

Related products: Gambling Addiction Help Books

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