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oblique bandage


Definitions from WordNet

Noun oblique bandage has 1 sense
  1. oblique bandage - a bandage in which successive turns proceed obliquely up or down a limb
    --1 is a kind of
    bandage, patch
    --1 has particulars: spiral bandage

Definitions from the Web

Oblique Bandage


An oblique bandage refers to a type of medical dressing that is used to support and immobilize a specific body part, typically a joint, by wrapping it diagonally.

Sense 1:


A cotton or elastic bandage that is applied obliquely to provide support to injured or weak joints, muscles, or ligaments.

Example Sentence:

"After spraining his ankle, the doctor applied an oblique bandage to stabilize and protect the joint."

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Sense 2:


To wrap or apply an oblique bandage onto a body part for support or immobilization.

Example Sentence:

"The trainer demonstrated how to oblique bandage a sprained wrist for quick recovery."

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Sense 3:


Describing a bandage that is diagonally applied for support and immobilization purposes.

Example Sentence:

"She preferred oblique bandages for her knee as they provided better stability during physical activities."

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