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Definitions from WordNet

Noun obeah has 1 sense
  1. obeah, obi - a religious belief of African origin involving witchcraft and sorcery; practiced in parts of the West Indies and tropical Americas
    --1 is a kind of cult, cultus, religious cult

Definitions from the Web


Obeah is a term originating from the Caribbean region. It refers to a system of spiritual and folk medicine practices. Obeah encompasses a wide range of beliefs and rituals that are rooted in African and Afro-Caribbean traditions.



  1. The village healer practiced obeah to cure ailments.
  2. Some people believe in the power of obeah to ward off evil spirits.


  1. She decided to obeah the negative energy from her house.
  2. He would often seek out a spiritual advisor to have his life obeahed.


  1. The community relied on the obeah woman for her mystical powers.
  2. An obeah ceremony was held to bless the newlyweds.

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