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oak apple


Definitions from WordNet

Noun oak apple has 1 sense
  1. oak apple - oak gall caused by larvae of a cynipid wasp
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Oak Apple

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense 1:

Definition: A round, apple-like gall found on oak trees, caused by wasps or other insects laying their eggs on the tree.

Example Sentence: The oak apple gall is formed when a female wasp lays eggs on the oak leaves.

Related Products: Oak Apple Galls

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense 2:

Definition: A traditional symbol associated with oak trees, especially used in celebrations like May Day.

Example Sentence: The children gathered oak apples to decorate the Maypole during the festival.

Related Products: Oak Apple Decorations

Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense 1:

Definition: Pertaining to or characteristic of the oak apple.

Example Sentence: The oak apple gall was of oak apple shape and had brownish color.

Related Products: Oak Apple Inspired Items

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