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nut and bolt


Definitions from WordNet

Noun nut and bolt has 1 sense
  1. nut and bolt - a fastener made by screwing a nut onto a threaded bolt
    --1 is a kind of
    fastener, fastening, holdfast, fixing
    --1 has part: bolt; nut

Definitions from the Web

Nut and Bolt


A nut and bolt is a type of fastener commonly used to join two or more parts together. It consists of a threaded bolt and a corresponding nut, which is tightened onto the bolt to secure the parts in place.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun - "He used a nut and bolt to assemble the furniture."
  • Verb - "Make sure to nut and bolt all the components together."

Senses and Usages:

  1. Popular Usage:
    • In everyday language, nut and bolt refer to the essential components of a fastening system.
    • Example sentence: "I need to tighten the nut and bolt on this loose hinge."
  2. Local Usage:
    • In some regions, nut and bolt might refer specifically to a particular size or type of fastener.
    • Example sentence: "The local hardware store has an excellent selection of high-quality nut and bolt options."

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