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nto smart


Definitions from the Web

Nto Smart


Nto Smart refers to a smart electronic device that combines the functionality of a notebook and a smartphone. It is designed to provide a convenient and portable solution for productivity, communication, and entertainment.

Senses and Usages

Sense 1: Nto Smart (Noun)

Referring to the physical device, Nto Smart is a compact and lightweight gadget that encompasses the features of a notebook and a smartphone. It typically includes a touchscreen display, keyboard, and various connectivity options such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Nto Smart offers users the ability to perform tasks like browsing the internet, writing emails, taking notes, making calls, and more.

Sample Sentence:

  • I need to replace my old laptop and phone, so I'm considering buying an Nto Smart.

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Sense 2: Nto Smart (Adjective)

When used as an adjective, Nto Smart describes a person who is exceptionally intelligent and quick-witted. It implies great mental sharpness and the ability to think and solve problems astutely.

Sample Sentence:

  • My friend is an Nto Smart individual who always comes up with innovative solutions.

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