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noun verb pair


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Noun Verb Pair


A noun verb pair refers to a combination of a noun and a verb that are frequently used together in a sentence, forming a coherent meaning.


Sense 1:

In the English language, a noun verb pair represents a collocation where a specific noun is commonly used with a particular verb to convey a specific action or meaning.

Example: make a decision

Sense 2:

A noun verb pair can also refer to the concept of having a corresponding noun and verb that share a common base or stem.

Example: realize a realization


Popular Usage:

In everyday language, noun verb pairs are widely used to enhance clarity and precision of communication.

Example Sentence: The chef prepared a delicious meal for the guests.

Local Usage:

In local dialects or specific contexts, there may be unique noun verb pairs that are frequently used.

Example Sentence: In Hawaii, people are known to hang loose and enjoy life.

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