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Definitions from the Web

Term: nosesy


nosy is an adjective that describes someone who is overly curious or intrusive, often seeking information about others that is not their business.

Sense 1:

As an adjective, nosy can describe a person who is excessively interested in the affairs of others.

Example: She is always poking her nose into other people's business; she's so nosy!

Sense 2:

As a noun, nosy refers to a person who is overly inquisitive about the private matters of others.

Example: The nosies in the neighborhood constantly gossip about everyone's personal lives.

Sense 3:

As a verb, nosy means to interfere or pry into other people's matters without permission.

Example: The nosy neighbor nosied around their backyard, trying to see what they were doing.

Sense 4:

As an adverb, nosy describes an action done in a nosy or intrusive manner.

Example: She listened nosily at the door, trying to eavesdrop on their conversation.

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