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northern jacob's ladder


Definitions from WordNet

Noun northern jacob's ladder has 1 sense
  1. northern Jacob's ladder, Polemonium boreale - perennial erect herb with white flowers; circumboreal
    --1 is a kind of polemonium

Definitions from the Web

Term: Northern Jacob's Ladder


1. Northern Jacob's Ladder, scientifically known as Polemonium boreale, is a perennial herbaceous plant native to colder regions.

2. The term "Northern Jacob's Ladder" can also refer to the popular northern variety of the flowering plant Jacob's Ladder.

Sample Sentences:

1. The Northern Jacob's Ladder is characterized by its delicate blue flowers and fern-like leaves.

2. The local gardeners love planting Northern Jacob's Ladder due to its ability to withstand colder climates.

3. Sarah discovered a beautiful patch of Northern Jacob's Ladder while hiking in the northern wilderness.

Possible Related Products on Amazon:

Northern Jacob's Ladder Seeds
Northern Jacob's Ladder Plant
Northern Jacob's Ladder Book
Northern Jacob's Ladder Gardening Tools
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