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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective nonvolatile has 1 sense
  1. nonvolatile, nonvolatilizable, nonvolatilisable - not volatilizing readily; "a nonvolatile acid"
    Antonyms: volatile, evaporable, vaporific, vaporizable, volatilizable, volatilisable

Definitions from the Web

Term: Nonvolatile


Nonvolatile is an adjective used to describe a substance or memory technology that does not easily evaporate, evaporate slowly, or lose its properties under normal conditions.


  • 1. Chemistry: Nonvolatile refers to substances that have low vapor pressure and do not readily evaporate at normal temperatures.
  • 2. Computing: In computer science, nonvolatile is used to describe memory devices or storage that retain data even when the power is turned off.


  • 1. Chemistry:
  • - The nonvolatile solute remained in the solution after distillation.

    - Nonvolatile compounds are commonly used in perfumes and fragrances.

  • 2. Computing:
  • - Nonvolatile memory, like flash drives, are commonly used to store data permanently even when the computer is turned off.

    - The laptop uses a nonvolatile storage system, ensuring data safety and persistence.

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